Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Informed desisions

You loose all track of time and date here. There's nothing to do but sit and wait. I stare out the window and watch the clouds slowly drown out the sunlight. Wishing I was sitting in the sun, soaking up its warmth. Having a kid in the hospital for me feels like being admitted myself. The only thing I leave the room for is to get food. I don't go walking because my son needs me with him. And I am ok with that. Being a parent means to sacrifice your needs for your child's. Not every need, but those that you have too. If it means taking a walk or being here to calm my son down, ill be here always. Don't get me wrong, I do things for myself but the things that name me happy are different than before. I'm adjusting, or evolving or whatever. I adapt to my surroundings, to the situation. I make due. We have a beautiful view from Liams room. I get to watch the birds play on the grass and fly in the sky. Its nice. Going through all of this, watching Liams fight, makes me wonder. If you had known this could happen, would you have still gotten pregnant? Or more importantly if we spread the awareness about this condition as well as others would we be able to prevent teen pregnancy? Would the numbers of pragnant teens drop? My husband and I say that if we had been younger when Liam was born we wouldn't have been able to handle it. If we could really spread awareness, seriously get the word out there then maybe we could save some kids from having kids, force them to make informed decisions. I have decided to work on spreading awareness more delligantly when I get Liam home. Hopefully this next year everyone es efforts to spreading awareness will be successful. Hopefully one day CDH will be as well known as cancer.

To all those out there making efforts to spreading awareness, keep up the hard work. It seems tedious sometimes but it will be worth it in the in. I am a believer than the more people out there working to spread the word the better. It doesn't matter what group you belong to, its the end result that matters. Power to those who are standing up for what they believe in. I wish us all luck because we all want the same The same thing. CDH awareness.

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