Monday, February 13, 2012

Finnaly An Update!

It’s been a big few days here in the Bryant household. Thursday Miss Lanie turned 4 years old! We hung out, watched movies, played with toys and ate cake. The best part for her was that daddy was able to spend the whole day with her. It was actually the first time since she’s been born that he’s been able to spend the actual day of her birthday with her. They played her brand new board game “Gallop the board game” and both accused the other of cheating. It was so funny to watch them “argue” over who was cheating. After they laughed about it. She was even surprised with a bunny she later named Droopie. She has yet to been able to remember the name. We had a very special cake for that day. I went out and bought her a Hello Kitty cake that was her favorite colors (pink and purple). The special part was that it was banana nut cake and super yummy. We sung her ‘happy birthday’ then she blew out the candles. We had a little mishap with her hair and the candles. She singed off one of her beautiful curls but daddy was there to save the day and hold her hair back from any worse damage. Good thing is that you can’t even tell it happened. After daddy took advantage of being behind her and shoved her face into the cake. She was not a happy camper, and that stating it mildly. It took about 10 minutes to calm her down and explain that its ok for the birthday girl to have her face shoved in cake. I had to tell her how when Justin and I got married and he put cake on my nose so I shoved a piece up his nose. After that she was ok with it. The rest of the day went pretty uneventful.

We had been hoping and expecting good weather today since the last couple of days had been so nice. We planned for Lanie’s birthday party to be outside so the kids could play and we could BBQ. The weatherman even said “don’t cancel your outdoor plans”. Boy he couldn’t have been more wrong! We woke up to pouring down rain. It was cold and dark outside. It rained most the morning so we knew we had to move the party inside. We were determined to have Lanie’s party no matter what. I had worked too hard on Lanie’s party decoration to cancel it. Besides what would I have done with 2 half sheets of cake? Aunt Rose and Uncle cliff came early so we had a really nice visit before anyone else got here. Aunt Rose got to hold Liam and they played with the kids. Lanie showed off her new bunny Droopie. They even surprised me with a valentines day gift of flowers, a pink monkey, chocolates and a card. How sweet is that? Seriously awesome. People started showing up and Lanie had a blast playing with all her “friends” (family kids her age). These kids all within 3 years of each other carried on conversations with each other that had all the adults watching in aww. Some of the kids had some outdoor fun since it had stopped raining and a few older kids oversaw the men bbqing. The house was wild with noise and kids running through out. It was a blast. Liam seemed to handle the chaos very well. He did have his long nap in the middle of all this in our bedroom where it was quiet and dark. Other than that he was good to go. He loved the attention that was doted in him. The kids played pin the tail on the donkey (I didn’t have time to make hit ugene with the frying pan). Each kid got blindfolded and spun around as many times as how old they were. Except little Michael who was spun 5 times then said “hey im not 5” so we did a reverse spin to “retract” the 5th spin. It caused a lot of laughter.

I haven't had access to the internet in a few days and I've been pretty busy. We had Lanies birthday, then birthday party. Since saturday I've been dealing with Liam. We had the after effects of Liam getting overstimulated during the party. He couldn't hold down his formula so we had to give him pedialyte for 24 hours. Just put him back on formula and we're really hoping it takes. We started out slow just to be safe. We're also dealing with some vehicle issues again so weve finnaly decided enough is enough. We can't keep sinking money into the pit of our Yukon so we went to a used car lot and theyre going to make a deal with us, taking the Yukon off our hands. We're going to be getting a 2002 Toyota Prius. Its great on gas being a hybrid so we taking Liam back and forth to all his appointments. It has been so stressful trying to come up with the money for gas and worrying about the Yukon breaking down and leaving us stranded. It was the main reason we had to change Liams CDH checkups from UCSF to Childrens hospital, which has actually been a God sent. The deal wont happen until thursday or friday so we have time to say goodbye to this P.O.S. that I loved so much but have come to hate so dearly. It'll feel so good to get this stress off my shoulders. Lanie has been such a happy little girl since she turned 4. Its like she changed overnight, just grew older and more mature on me. Liam's still doing ok with his breathing treatments. He is breathing just a bit harder since he started getting sick again but for him thats normal. As soon as he starts holding down his formula he should be fine. We just have to watch carefully. He has been in some discomfort and pain lately so Ive been having to give tylanol. Poor baby is constipated and teething. And the constipation could be another reason he's puking. So it's not just one thing we have to work on, its the whole picture because everything is connected. Im trying hard not to think about the tomarrows and what the future holds. Its just too much for me. I have yet to find a therapist or get any help for myself. I have no idea when or if that will even happen. Its like theres just too much to deal with with Liam that I dont have time for myself. Saturday was the closest thing I had to anything to do with me. I put on a dress and makeup for Lanies party. Other than that I throw my hair up, wear my sweats or jeans when im out and dont bother with anything else. Im trying to see the beauty in the world again. To me everything looks so dull and joyless. My husband bought me a new digital camera, a good one for photography. He knows Ive been wanting one for years and he finnaly gave in and even let me pic it out. I can see the beauty in the photographs I take, just not in the world surrounding me yet. For now, Im taking life day by day and just trying to get through the daily grind while waiting for that day to come when our lives become "normal".

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