Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 6 Hospital Stay 5

Things happen that change our lives forever. Our view of the world changes, our hearts, the way we feel, changes forever. The color's of the world either brighten and become vibrant or seem to dull until they fade away to nothing. Ofcourse it all depends on that event, good, bad, traumatic, overwhelming, joyous. Lanie cause all good changes when she was born. Life was perfect. The events leading up to Liams birth, his birth, and the weeks following were the exact opposite. If I had to use only one word to discribe it, i would say "traumatic".

Traumatic: 1.Emotionally disturbing or distressing
2.Relating to or causing psychological trauma
3.Relating to or denoting physical injury

The color's had faded until I saw the world in shades of grey. Eventually the Colorado started shinning through. Its been 7 1/2 months. I still have issues seeing the beauty and color of the world. Atleast I have the will to fight to see the beauty. I still need my meds and I stillhave my bad days. Life isn't perfect but my view of what perfect is has changed. I used to think perfect meant free of blemishes or defects or complications. Now that my life is so full of those things my view has changed. Now perfect is everyone healthy and happy. And healthy is a relative term. Liam home with us is healthy no matter what his issues makes life perfect. That's the perfection I am shooting for, not Liam playing football, or getting straight A's or becoming a doctor. Just having him home with us, having the whole fam together is perfect.

Liam is struggling and loosing a lot of weight. The doctor is confident that he will prosper with the GJtube. Total weight loss is about 2 pounds. He handled 5mls of pedialyte, about 1teaspoon, so we decided to up it to 10mls, 2teaspoons. Pedialyte is a good start. We aren't going to try anything else until after the surgery. Its a process of 1 step forward and 2steps back but were keeping the faith every step of the way.

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