Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Liam's Feeding Update/Bright Start

Liam has been getting better at eating with a spoon. He seems to really enjoy sweet potatoes and eats 1/4 of a 2.5oz container at one sitting now. Thats just awesome for Liam. His formula feeds have had a little upset. He starting puking only his formula up never his solids. The doctor is suggesting we thicking the formula with rice cereal since his stomach does really good on solids. So far so good. He still refuses to take a bottle so Im thinking about getting a two handled sippie cup with a stopper to try. At this point I'll do anything to get him eating more by mouth. Bright start came out today to do paperwork so that we can start his PT. She asked me where Id like to see Liam in July when he turns 1. I said I want to see him taking everything by mouth so we can ditch the G-tube. I also stated that I knew it was probably a long shot but that I felt it wasn't completly unreasonable to try. She also asked about his talking since she will be comming back out with reginal center who will be sending a speach therapist to work with Liam. We both agreed that he needed to jabber more, goo goo and gaga, lala, baba all the stuff that comes before actual talking. I let her know that he does say 'dada' specifically to his daddy and can mimic the word 'hi' but would love the normal baby jibber jabber because he just scream talks now. She will be comming back out probably next week with reginal center and we will be making a list of goals for Liam to achieve. I will also know by next week what days Bright start will be going out weekly to work with him. Im so glad that I finnaly have resources to help me help Liam. Between the tools they will teach me and the tools thereapy will teach me I should be better than Ive ever been. Thank God for these things because without all these resources I would be feeling my way around blindly.

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