Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finding the Little Things

CVRC set us up w/ parenting network who offered me the therapy. Well its turning out to cause me more stress than ots helping. Not only has the last 2 appointments not happened, but I have to deal w/ phone calls todays from the worker, therapist and public health nurse. The worker and therapist were covering each others asses that they dropped the ball last week on theyre no show/no call. The public nurse wants to come out tomarrow to do paperwork for the therapy. This is ridiculous. I spent the better part of the day on the stupid phone with these people. They tried to play it off as it was my fault that therapy didnt happen last thursday when the therapist was the one that didn't show. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself. I was so mad when I got off the phone. The phone call before that was to the public health nurse and when I asked for another therapist she wouldn't even entertain the idea. Now I have a meeting with the PHN at my house tomarrow sometime around lunch time to fill out paperwork for the stupid program. They're supposed to be helping me and releaving some of my stress not adding to it. I'm seriously considering telling the PHN tomarrow that I decline therapy with them that Ill find my own way, that they just need to leave me alone. On top of it they just had to choose a day to mess with me when Liam kept me up all night the night before and has been cranky all day. These people dont understand what it takes to for me to get to therapy, what arrangements I have to make. It's a huge hassle. And each one of these people seem to think that they are the only ones that I have to deal with. They act like I have a completly empty schedule and can just pencil them in whenever it suits them. I am glad today is over and tomarrow is a new day. Ive been trying to avoid thinking about it and blogging about my irritation in hopes that it'll go away, but it's only put me in a perpetually bad mood. I can contribute some of that to my lack of sleep and exhaustion. Today was actually going to be my only day when I didn't have appointments and I ended up spending it on the phone dealing with this. There were a few good points to this horribly long day, those are the points Im trying very hard to focus on. Like the chart that helps me keep my sanity and my brain from frying out: Photobucket

Then theres my son's Elvis smile :) Never fails to bring a smile to my face.

And my daughter with her war makeup lol I guess she decided she needed it for shooting her bow today.

And this is hilarious! Liam already tells us no!

(Sorry about some of the pics being sideways. Im having issues with photobucket allowing me to edit the pics.) So you see, even though some days are bad, its never really boring here. Lanie has always been such a free and creative soul. She randomly comes in to tell me a story then says "and thats all I had to say to you" and walks away leaving me in stitched. Tonights story was about shrek. After the exciting story she showered me in gold fish crackers. After Lanie picked them up she told me "Its ok mommy I forgive you" LMAO. With Liam's ever growing personality he keeps us laughing. He has cought on to what we thing is funny so he does those things just to make us laugh. If you tall him "give me a kiss" he will lean his head forward for you to kiss his forehead. He can actually unhook his feeding tube from his gtube extention with his toes now. He thinks its funny to unhook it while he is rolling around on the floor so milk goes everywhere. I looked at him this morning and told him that was bad. His response was "haha" and a huge grin, no joke. How could you not bust up laughing at that. He thinks its funny when he pukes too because I have to clean him up. He's such a weird boy, always looks so proud of himself when he's mischeavious. I know he's going to be a handful when he starts walking, or even crawling. We may be having alot of bad days but there is good mixed in, we just have to look for it. "Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord they God is with thee withersoever thou goest" Joshua 1:9

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