Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Surprise Phone Call

          Despite going to bed with a headache last night,
waking up at 11:30p with a horrid migraine that had me in the fetal position in tears,
and waking up still with a headache,
I honestly thought today would be better.
I had gotten both kiddos off to school,
came home and was going to enjoy the peace and quiet.
Justin was at work so I had the house to myself,
and I was going to enjoy every minute of it,
and nurse my aching head.
I couldn't fall asleep so I took ibproffen.
Then I decided to make myself some food.
I ate in quiet and decided to do a bit of blogging.
After all...

I was proud of the post.
It was emotional and true.
Truth is important to me.
How can I give an accurate picture of what CDH does in our daily lives if I'm not truthful?
So again I spewed by guts out.
And for that I was proud.
Then my phone rang.
(That's when the morning took a turn)
Surprise (yes genuine surprise)
It was Liam's school.
They noticed he was shaky.
His arms shook when they usually didn't.
His legs were shaky as well.
His equilibrium was off causing him to fall.
His face paler than normal and marbled.
And to top that cupcake off...
He was retching.
They knew this wasn't Liam.
He'd never behaved this way.
They called the LVN to the preschool rooms to have a look at him.
They called me right after to inform me.
As soon as she said Liam was acting weird I grabbed my keys.
I was out the door before she could finish telling me everything.
I told her I'd be there in 5 minutes.
When I got there I noticed all these traits as well.
Not just that but when I picked him up,
his entire body was trembling.
'Let the good times roll' I thought to myself.
One symptom on its own would be no biggie.
All these mixed together was another story.
Mix all those with what else he had exhibited at home and I knew something was up.
He had also slept 12-13 hours last night.
Liam never sleep that long.
He had diarrhea for the last 3 days and a killer diaper rash because of it.
This morning he was breathing heavier.
He seemed better after the treatment.
He was a bit quiet this morning,
and there was that whole conversation this morning.
I'm not sure what it all adds up too,
but he sees his pediatrician tomarrow.
Good day for a check up as well.
For now all I can do is comfort him.
He's cranky today and needs his mommy and cartoons.

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