Thursday, May 1, 2014

Take What You Need

Somedays we need a little extra something to get us going it keep us going. Today I need:

Strength: it was a long night last night and I need the strength to be positive today and get through the day without wanting to hide under the blankets in bed. 

Understanding: people, even family rarely understand everything. Even my husband doesn't understand how often I'm awake at night with our little lamb because he's able to sleep through all the noise. I need him to understand Liam and I had a long night and that both of us could be cranky today. I would also like him to understand the words I say as for what they really are and not what he thinks they are. 

Patience: to deal with all the trials and tribulations that I am sure today will being. 

Healing: for both me and Liam. Liam's gtube stoma is irritated and red causing him discomfort.y allergies and back are causing many issues and I just want them to go away. 

Peace: for me today peace has two meanings. 'Peace and quiet' as well as inner peace. With all the stresses I encounter everyday I rarely experience inner peace. My mind is never at a peaceful state and this is causing sleep issues. I would love for the first time in 3 years to be able to close my eyes and think of absolutely nothing. 

Freedom: I would love the freedom to do what I want for just one day. I would love for both Liam and I be able to not worry about a feeding schedule, meds, breathing treatments. Or just simply the freedom to run or spin in circles with my kids until we're so dizzy we fall and just stare up at the sky. 

So today we will spread our arms wide, stare up at the sky, and spin until we're so dizzy we fall laughing until our sides hurt. 

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