Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekend Overload

We've had a very busy weekend. Saturday we had some cousin stop bit to visit for a bit. Liam and Lanie enjoyed playing with Cass and Dakota. During the visit Grandma showed up with her little one Bella Nadine joined the fun. The kids had a blast playing outside. The swung on the swings, used the slide, played in the sand box and played with the dogs. I'm pretty sure the swing set was a huge hit. 

Later that day we took the kids to see their Uncle Andy and Tia Jen. They enjoyed seeing their cousins Chase and Kayla and playing with their dogs Jackle and Zues. 

Liam and Zues. Right after I snapped this Zues gave Liam a big kiss on the cheek lol 

Zues is gigantic in size and has a heart even bigger. He's gentle and playful. He's  got a kind and loving spirit. 

Liam and Uncle had a full on convo about NASCAR. Liam's favorite driver is Jimmie Johnson in the 48 car. When Uncle tried to get him to say Kurt Busch Liam have him a funny look and walked away shaking his head. We laughed so hard. 

When Uncle said Jimmie was going to wreck in Sundays race Liam got mad. "No no no Jimmie wreck" and he jabbered on and on. He was adamant that Jimmie would not wreck. Liam is Jimmies biggest little fan. We are going to have to figure out how to take Liam to a race and meet Jimmie. 

That night we BBQed and had a bonfire. 

Sunday we went back over to watch the NASCAR race where Liam cheered on Jimmie Johnson as loud as he could. "Go Go Go Race Jimmie" "Go Jimmie go". He watched the entire race. When someone wrecked he said "oh no! Oh no wreck! Oh no Jimmie wreck?" And he'd look heart broken for a minute until we explained no he didn't wreck. That blue car was not Jimmie. Then he'd say "whew!" And wipe his forehead. Wow Liam just wow lol. 

Liam also wore his squeaky sandals. Every time he took a step he'd squeak. This provided lots of entertainment for is girls because we thought it was adorable. Poor Zues was so confused on the matter. He'd look at Liam and sniff his feet then look at him again as if "it looks like a Liam, smells like a Liam but sound like a toy. What do I do?"  After a few minutes he decided it was best to walk away before temptation overtook him. He laid down and watched Liam as if he was thinking "just wait till I find those shoes laying around then it's on" lol. 

Liam met Landon for the first time today. Landon is the one month old son of RiRi who is basically like one of Tia's daughters. Liam saw Tia holding the baby and gave her this "what the heck?" Look then walked over to investigate. We all thought he'd get jealous. Liam looked at Landon and said "baby". We told him it was Landon. He stood their looking at him then petted Landon's head. We knew he was ok in Liam's book when he did that. So we decided it would be cute if he kissed Landon so we asked him too. Liam kissed Landon's head then smiled. That was a definite sign Landon was in good with Liam. After Liam just walked away like it was no big deal. He played with Zues some more then decided he wanted cuddles and crawled up into my lap. He played his car came on my phone then fell asleep. 

Right after Liam kissed Landon. 

Liam out for the count. This was taken around 5pm. It's not 10:15pm and Liam is still asleep. Which means he will be up at 4am ready to start the day. 

We normally stay home in quarantine making sure Liam doesn't get exposed to virus's, it's also easier with his tube feeds, but every now and then we really need to get out and do things. Staying couped up in the house can be frustrating. We all needed to get out and have some fun. Unfortunately the fun weekend probably overstimulated Liam and he will probably have a bad night later tonight or a bad day tomorrow. So far he's sleeping soundly and his ox sat is good. He did wake up once and realized we were home and started crying for uncle. After a few minutes he fell back asleep. 

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