Thursday, January 15, 2015

Loose Thread

Does a series of events lead to remembering old memories?

Or does thinking about those memories lead to a series of events?

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

My son was born with CDH. 

While he was in NICU I learnt to knit. 

After NICU discharge from UCSF, Liam's primary hospital care became our local Children's hospital. 

I started Shooting For Liam as a way to spread CDH awareness and give comfort and prayer to families affected by it. 

I started organizing drives and donating items to Children's hospital to put a smile on the being kids admitted. It's always nice to to receive a random gift and see their faces light up in joy in dark days. 

I got reunited with my Dad's side of the family. 

I found out my grandma loves to knitt too.

Liam had a sleep study then his pulmonologist scheduled an appointment to get the results. 

I faced some ghost of memories of our NICU past and started knitting again. 

A few months ago I traveled to Colorado to visit my Dad's side of the family and my grandma gave me this idea to knit hats and donate them to our local Children's hospital. I just didn't have the time or motivation to put that thought into action. 

We had to reschedule Liam's pulmonology appt that had been schedueled months prior for his sleep study results. 

Last week A 3 year old CDHer was lost to RSV. 

Breath Of Hope implemented a new project this last week called Random Act of kindness to spread CDH awareness and to help honor Isaac whose death has rocked the CDH community. 

I started knitting hats to donate to Our local Children's hospital NICU which will be donated during Liam's upcoming appointment we had rescheduled. 

These all seem like random events. But this is a series of events that all played a hand. There's so much more that lead to all this as well. Once I grasped a tread, it was easy to pull and see a lifetimes series of events. It made it easy to see how far one action will really go. How your one action will continue to effect others. People you may not even of thought of. How your actions can effect people long after you are gone. 

I sat here and pulled this tread and gained a new prospective. How say something my father did before I was born effects me today, even though he's been gone for a very long time. 

Makes you think more about giving more and trying to make a difference in this world. 

What will you see when you pull your thread? What will pulling your thread unravel? 

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