Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Go Away Tubie Go Away

(Pictured in Liam with his first post NICU feeding tube featuring tagaderm cut into the shape of a heart by me because this was the first NGtube I ever put in)

Tube feeding.
Not the hardest thing I've ever had to go through with Liam.
But I still cried when they said Liam was failure to thrive (FTT) and needed a tube.
3 years and 3 months later and it isn't getting any easier.
Liam ditched the NG just about a month after receiving it and "upgraded" to a Gtube.
He then went from a Gtube to a GJtube and back to the Gtube.

Last week Liam started crying over Gtube pain.
I rushed him to the GI because I thought it was infected.
I was told it didn't look too bad so we just did antibiotic creams.
That was last Wed.
Thursday I changed his tube out for a new one.
That badly irritated it and caused bleeding and worse pain.
Liam hasn't made it through a whole 3 hours of school because of the pain.
He doesn't go an hour and a half without crying in pain.
Today I called GI back and explained the situation.
She (Brittney) said that we need to try oral antibiotics.
She called our main GI and he said that if the antibiotics don't help within the next 3-4 days that the next course and to try a different type of tube.
I explained that that wasn't possible because the AMT mini one balloon-less button has been the ONLY button that worked for him.
She asked why the mickey didn't work and I explained that the balloon hits his pilorex muscle causing him to vomit.
This concerned her immensely.
She said that means the position of the tube is too low and that it needs to be moved higher.
So the conclusion is that if the antibiotics don't work that Liam will need to go into surgery to have his stoma closed and a new hole made for the tube.

I don't want this.
I don't want him to have to have surgery.
Yes I think he needs it.
I think this is the right move for him and it will help.
I just don't want to have my sweet boy have to go through surgery again.
As a mom I want to protect my little boy.
I want to keep him from pain and to keep him happy.
I'm scared for him.

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