Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Things are looking good. Dr Keller said we were going to wait to wein down Liams pressure and concentrate on getting him stronger so his lung doesn't colapse again and so he won't have to have the surgery to take his right side diaphram lower. I'm great with that decision. I don't want to push him past his limits and think he really does just need some time to get stronger. I know it's like were in a holding patern now but I'm ok with that after having his lung colapse twice. I'm taking the time to enjoy the little things like changing his diaper and having him pee and poop all over, him spitting up on me, all the smiles and all the cries. I never thought before all this that I would ever enjoy or look forward to hearing my baby cry. It is the best sound in the world. Being able to have Lanie in the room and visit with him is a blessing. She sings to him and talks to him and even made up a story for him. I can't thank God enough for what he has given me. It may not have been what I wanted but I wouldn't change it for anything. I've learned not to take for granted the little things.

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