Sunday, October 4, 2015

Ten Flying Brooms Craft

Since it is rainy outside today I pulled out a Halloween craft idea I'd been planning to do with the kids. I found this book called "ten flying brooms" then while on Pinterest saw an awesome craft to go with it. 

So I dug out some Popsicle sticks, felt, and the hot glue gun. I drew out the pattern and the kids cut them out. We had a blast. After making these, I brought out the book. The kids were excited and loved it. 

Here's how we made our broomsticks. 

1) cut out 10 prices of felt that are similar to a square but flaired out at one end. 
 cut slits on the large end to make fridge. 

2) put some glue on the end of a Popsicle stick. I glued about 1/4 of the way up or less. Place the stick, glue down on the felt. Make sure glue is covered by felt. 

3) put more glue on the backside of the Popsicle stick then fold over one side of the felt. Hold until cooled. 

4) repeat step 3. And that it!

We numbered our sticks so Liam has to look for said number in the book. This helps him recognize his numbers. We're also thinking about making little witches so as we read along with the story we can have the broom find its witch just like the book. 

The kids sat there and continued to play and read after we read it the first time. This is such a fun activity. 

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