Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Setbacks  are a common accurance for our little lamb. And it would just be unusual if he had gotten sick without being followed by a setback. Its has been painfully obvious that little mans feeding has taken a HUGE setback. He hasn't wanted to eat anything in the 12 days he's been sick, but you wouldn't either if your tummy was hurting. Liam has also not been as active as usually. He's content to just sit or lay and chill out. He hasn't been walking or standing as much. Brightstart and PT came today and we are all hoping its just a energy issue. His pediatrician isn't happy with the  weight loss and his growth chart now shows a pretty significant drop. Liam isn't tolerating his night feeds so that isn't helping.

As of last night Lanie isn't feeling well either. She complained of a tummy ache and refused to eat or drink. Her temp was slowly climbing so I have her Tylenol and she seemed fine 30 min later. She then ate dinner (Mac and cheese and gateraaide) before going to bed. So time during the night she vommited but was too scared to get up and say anything. 

To top it off I seriously hurt my toe last night. I think I broke it. I've been trying to do the laundry, clean the house and take care of these two sick babies. I just want my babies to feel better. I can deal with my pain as long as these two are happy and healthy. 

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