Friday, June 15, 2012

11 Months Old

Liam's first birthday is fastly approaching and we couldn't be more excited. He will be going back to Childrens and under going surgery soon to have his GJtube replaced since his it broken and leaking. We're praying its a quick in and out deal so we can continue the planning of his party.

Liam's 11 month pictures:

This outfit was a hand-me-down from daddy's old clothes. It's a little big but youd never know.

I love his face, its full on suprise!

Big sister did an excelent job making Liam smile for pictures.

Liam ready for his close up :) He's such a sweet boy.

All aboard the SSLiam. This sailor on the roam all over my living room getting into everything! Its still just rolling on his own but Im good with that. We spend mass quantaties of time untangling his tubes.

I love the chunky legs! They get chunkier every day.

With a smile like that he's bound to get whatever he wants.

Silly boy laughing at his sister.

So sweet. Blowing his sissy kisses!

Im so shocked we went through the whole photoshoot without him sticking his tongue out. Thats his things.

OOPPPS Spoke too soon!

Thats my boy!

And as you know, Liam's birthday is comming up. We are throwing him a big party to celebrate him turning 1 and surviving Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Were throwing a special "Virtual party" for those who cant make it. Consider yourself invited!

All emails recieved will not only be ready to our little lamb, but they will be put in his scrapbook.

Liam is getting better a sitting on his own. He still cant stand without help. And because his vomitting and retching he no longer tolerates baby food. We try to feed him by mouth and he immediately chokes on it and gags until he vommits. OT and PT has been put in for by our pediatrician but who knows when Liam will recieve those much needed services.

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