Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 9: When all else fails, try new things

Since Liam failed tolerate higher calorie formulas we've been left with no other options but to try a caloric addative. Duocalorie is a powder that adds calories to just about anything. We started adding it to his formula around 1pm today. We are starting with making the 20 calorie formula into 24 calorie. We started off lower just to make sure he tolerates this. Using this adative has his benefits:
Liam will get the calories he needs without thickining the formula or going up on volume
Its a quick way to allow him to grow faster (if it takes)

But everything has its risks:
Caloric adatives can slow down the digestive system and Liam is already slow.
If not watched carefully Liam could get too many calories resulting in him getting fat. Allowing Liam to get too fat will cause pressure on his lungs and heart. Which would make it harder for him to breathe and we want tto make it easier.

Liam will have weekly weight checks for awhile, then bi-weekly. His growth is and will continue to be closely monitored. The doctors like to just tell me how his weight gain is but stray from talking about his size compared to others his age. Today I was reading through facebook post when saw a FB buddys 4 month old son was right where he was supposed to be in weight and length. It really put things into prospective for me. I wasnt aware he was so far behind until I saw this. My 10 1/2 month old son is the size of an average 4 month old. Thats 6 1/2 months behind. Im not freaking out, theres nothing I can do that im not already doing. I just like having all the facts. Besides I was always on the small size growing up, born 4 pounds. Liam was 2 pounds 4 ounces at 37.5 weeks. He's come a long way and doing pretty darn good. He is truely the under dog, and I always root for the under dog.

One day little Liam will sprout up and no one will ever be able to guess he had been so small. If not, he'll just be short and win the girls with his eyes lol.

Another new thing Liam yried today was peaches. They didn't go over well. He is not a peach kind of guy. Is it bad that I want to have him try everything, even chocolate cake, in hopes that there is something out there he likes and is enthusiastic to eat? Im just going to pretend you all said "no".

I talked to Tablezo, the pulmonoligist, first thing this morning. Finnaly after explaining where we live ane the air conditions AGAIN, she gets it. She said on bad air quality days we will have to turn up the oxygen for that day. When Liam is having his asthma attacks we can go up to 2 litters to help him out. She wants his base line to be half a litter if he tolerates it and for him to have time off turning the day but if I see any signs hes not tolering it go back up. This is in hopes that it will keep him out of the hospital. Her other recommendation is that we move. Its something we are working on. I explained that to her as well as the fact that the trip to UCSF drained us of our savings which we were useing to move.

I talked to the nutritionist as well. He was the one that suggested Duocalorie over other adatives.

Dr Lageate talked to case management who is working on getting Liam a pulse ox monitor but isn't sure if they will be able to get insurance to cover it. She also explained that we are back at the point of him tolerating everything we were doing at home so she wants to discharge him tomarrow. Even if he doesnt tolerate tbe duocalorie because at home he was only on 20 calorie while he tried to figure out what else to do. Unless something massive happens then we get to go home tomarrow. That makes me happy.

Unfortunately ill be taking Liam back to a sick daddy and sister. I gave strict instructions for daddy to spray the air freshner/germ killer through out the house both tonight and tomarrow morning before we get home in hopes to kill off anything airborn and so the spray wont affect liam.

A few things you can pray for:
Liam tolerates Duocalorie
That insurance pays for Duocalories as well as a pulse ox
Pray daddy and sissy wake up in the morning not sick
That Liam doesnt catch whatever it is they have
That we find a way to move back into town for Liams sake
That this will be our last hospital stay until after Liams first birthday

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