Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 35 Day 5

I've been confined to the bed all week. Apparently they can't make me comfortable for these last few weeks of my pregnancy, comfortable enough to sleep anyway. I got nausia pills for help my stomach and all I can take is tylanol. My feet and legs are extremely swollen, my feet alittle numb because of it. I'm so tired I feel like I haven't slept in weeks. The heat sure doesn't help. It's supposed to be 105 today :( Not my idea of a good day. The baby keeps going in and out of position and I'm left waddling like a penguin even though I feel like a whale. I've been downing so much water and eating ice and popsicles like crazy. My entire body hurts. The hospital told me on my last visit, or my doctor actually that it's pointless going back unless I'm in full-blown labor. Even the major contractions I've been having apparently don't could because they've stopped with meds. I'm just waiting my time out trying to be patient but finding it too hard. At the end of my last pregnancy I was pre-aclampsia and it looks like this time around judging by the swelling I wouldn't be suprised if it turned out I had toximia as well. I'm swollen you can't see my ankles anymore and my toes are huge. Not that they'll do anything but say to stay off them, which I have been. You don't do alot of walking when your stuck in the bed. I have to say I would rather be duw in the winter months than the summer. I know I was miserable with my first but this, this is so much worse. Good thing it's almost over. If I could just escape this with my sanity intact.

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