Monday, March 26, 2012


Ive been completly irritated and pissed off for the last few days, 4 days now I believe. Im so frustrated with everything. I feel like Im doing it all on my own and raising 3 kids instead of 2. I dont want to go into details, I just need a chance to vent. To top off all my other frustrations, Liam had a bad night last night. He was up most the night. I think I only got a max of 45 min of "rest" at a time last night. at 11:25a Liam was breathing heavily retracting and satting at 86% so I had to give him his noon breathing treatment early. 20 minutes later, no change. I had to give him a 2nd treatment. Finnaly he started satting 96% and above and was no longer retracting. He's still coughing alot but he has been for weeks now. Im just waiting to see if were going to have a repeat of double treatments at his 4pm treatment. If so, it'll probably be time to call the doc up and let him know whats going on. My world is so full of stress. Liam provides his own unique brand of stress to everything. Here we are trying to move back into town, but my husband has issues with change so it's stressful dealing with that alone. Miss Lanie always asking when shes getting her new room and saying shes packing up her room hasnt helped. All the appointments. I just cant wait for the day when things calm down. Im sure my blood pressure is pretty high right now. Im sure things will calm down alittle soon, atleast I hope so.

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