Thursday, October 9, 2014

Halloween Magic

What happened to that mom?
That mom who decorated every holiday no matter how big or small it was?
This year she is gone.
Hiding some place refusing to come out.
I don't have the energy this year.
I so wish I did.
I want to get past this chronic fatigue and chronic pain,
hoping that decorating will make me feel better.
Is it even possible to feel better?
Is it even possible to push past this?
I have no clue.
I wish I could bring back that mom who got overzealous about all the holidays.
That mom that no matter what decorated.
That mom who always baked for every occasion.
That mom who was just so desperate for something normal that she made it happen.
What's changed?
Yes I have fibermyalgia,
but I know I've had it for some time.
It only got worse coming up on a year ago.
I want to dig through the decoration.
I want to scale the counters to hang things from the ceiling.
I want to stand on my tippie toes on the top of the step stool to hand fake spider webs.
I want to hang black gossimer in the windows,
black paper owls on the door,
glowing eyes in random places.
I want to stand back at the edge of the yard and admire my work,
knowing that all the kids in the neighborhood will point and laugh,
and be excited about Halloween.
Halloween is my favorite holiday.
You get to dress up and become anyone you want.
You get to scare and be scared just for laughs.
And most of all,
my husband proposed to me on Halloween.
At 2am.
When he didn't even know I LOVED Halloween.
It was meant to be right?!
And even though things have been difficult since Liam was born sick,
I still love him with all my heart.
Even when at times I feel it would be easier to leave him,
I still love him.
Love isn't easy.
Your supposed to work for it,
make it work.
Because otherwise it isn't true love.
So maybe that's why I am so saddened by the fact that I haven't decorated.
In my own way,
it's me celebrating the day he realized he loved me ad couldn't loose me.
Halloween is magical.
It's when everything we don't believe or shouldn't believe in comes alive.
It's the only time of the year where the taboo is not taboo.
Princesses find their princes.
Or happiness in HUGE bags of candy.
Ghost and witches fly around from door to door saying the magical words that get them candy,
trick or treat.
Everyone can be who they want to be.
For once they can have hope and see the "magic" of this world.
It's great fun seeing all the costumes.
Watching the kids fill their bags with candy then later gorge on it.
Fun Halloween games,
bobbing for apples,
haunted hay rides,
haunted forest.
Hogwarts come to life,
whole blocks turned into pirate ships.
Halloween is about discovering the magic.
I want to rekindle old memories.
I want to show my kids that there is magic out there.
I want to see their faces light up as the house transforms from just an ordinary home,
to something greater.
So can I get my body to cooperate?
Can I work past this?
I honestly don't know.
What I do know is that I want too.
Instead of sitting here feeling sorry for myself,
I'm going to get up and at least try.
I shouldn't give up before at least trying.
My kids need to know that even if you fail,
it's ok because at least you tried.
You don't give up before the game even starts.

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