Sunday, September 16, 2012

We're here for you...

Life with a CDHer is hard and trying. It's a journey not everyone is cut out to make. Expect the unexpected and the impossible. Liam's life has been full of unexpected's and impossibilities. For instance Liam was discharged after pneumonia and a hiatal hernia landed him in the hospital for 12 days just to return 5 days later with a complete different laundry list of symptoms. Its not the first time this has happened. This will be Liam's 12th hospitalization in his 14 months of life. Some CDHers go home from NICU and hardly ever see a hospital other than checkups and others have frequent visitor "rewards" making the hospital their home away from home. You can't determine how well your CDHer is going to do based on their defect. Liam's CDH was small and they were able to close up the hernia with his own diaphragm tissue requiring no patch. His stay in NICU was also short for a CDHer, only 48 days. I know tbe irony of saying only, because to me it felt like forever. Now since his discharge he has been in and out of the hospital with only 6 weeks straight at home. Your journey with your CDHer will be unique, frustrating, even uplifting. You learn to stay strong and positive even in the midst of darkness and sorrow. Remember that tears dont make you weak, they are an outlet to our over bearing emotions. Shooting For Liam is dedicated to helping families affected by CDH so if you need a place to vent our a shoulder to cry on, we're here for you. If you have questions but want to remain anonymous you can message or email us

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