Friday, September 21, 2012

Todays Picc line procedure

It took and hour and 50 min and 5 tries to get liams picc in. She had to use a neonatal, usually used in newborn to age 3months. Liam has alot of scar tissue and other issues that were preventing her fron getting in the picc. Her last shot was a neonatal. She said that its now documented that a picc will not work for Liam after thus one comes out. In the future he has to have a medi-port. She told me to refuse peripheral ivs and piccs because it was just torture on him. She also said that if the docs try to say no and fight it I am to request a patient rep. Liams arm is sore. We are also experiencing problems with the picc. Because of the scar tissue and veins and the tiny size of the picc it gets occludded quite often causing tge machine to go haywire. After a short time it resolves itself. We also have to go at a very slow rate,only 26mls per hr, because of the size and they cant do blood draws fron it because its smaller than a blood cell and scrambles the blood. Essentially its only working half assed at best. And because it goes so far in, my fear is what wiol happen when and if it stops working. The internal end is right above the heart. Liam was really cranky for a few hours after he woke uo from anethesia but finnaly gave in and fell asleep. They also started the 3rd new formula at quarter strength 10mls per hr. 26mls of iv fluids per hr isnt enough to keep little lamb properly hydrated. I am frustrated and feel like that was a waste that they should have done something thats going ti work but atleast I now have documentation to prove a medi-port is what Liam needs.

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