Sunday, September 16, 2012

12 days in 5 days out and back again

Liam was discharged on tuesday after 12 days in the hospital. He had pneumonia, a hiatal hernia and we found out he refluxes over 60 times in a 24 hour period. A normal person refluxes 13-19 times and 45 is required high. Liams surgeon Jones decided the risk of surgery out weighed the benefits so Liams hiatal hernia was left untouched. After 12 days he was discharged and considered free of pneumonia.

After only 5 days at home I had to bring Liam back to Childrens hospital ER. Liam isnt tollerating feeds and he has been running a fever since yesterday morning. This morning when I went to change the diaper I had used to vent Liams Gtube into, there was dark brown vommit. His xrays look good, no signs of pneumonia or bowel obstruction. His blood work so far only shows dehydration. Theyre going to do a viral panel on his as well. After 4 pokes, they were able to get an IV into Liams right temple. If it blows we're screwed. The nurses in ER were begging for a mediport just as much as I was and suggested I talk to his surgeon about it. Please keep pur family in your prayers. Lanie is having a hard time. Before I left I had got one of those record-a-story books for her called "Guess how much i miss you". I read the book recording my voice then at the end sang her night night song. My husband has told me she has been clinging to it life a lifesaver since I left. I also bought one for Liam and had sissy tell her own version on the story so that Liam can hear her whenever be wants. Life is hard having a CDHer. I am forced to watch my son grow up in a hospital and I am missing my daughter grow up. This is why Im dedicated to spreading awareness.

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