Saturday, December 20, 2014

Live Reindeer Feed With Santa and Elves

          Yesterday I volunteered in Lanie's class at the end of the day for their "Christmas Party". Her teacher had a Live feed of Santa's reindeer on the big screen for the kids. We're talking real life reindeer. Not the animated stuff. The kids loved it. Every now and again a computer generated elf would pop up on the screen and the kids would laugh until they were doubled over.
          I made sure to get the website from her so that I could check in on them and show Liam. Last night I logged in so that Liam could see. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. "Santa's reindeer! WOW! Cool!". Yes it was, but that wasn't the coolest part. Not two minutes after we started watching, a real elf came on the screen and started talking to the reindeer over the fence. You can imagine how much these two kids freaked out.
          I'd say that was the coolest thing, but it wasn't. Not 5 minutes after we started watching guess to else made an appearance? Santa!! The kids were thrilled, squiling and yelling in utter delight. We watched as Santa fed the two male reindeer then proceeded to pet them and talk to them. After he checked his mailbox. Now my internet was bogging down so we weren't the best of the feed, but it looked and sounded like Santa read a letter from someone. It was awesome.

          Just when we thought he was done, he got a chair and took a book out of the mailbox and read a Christmas story to everyone. My kids enjoyed listening to Santa's story (even if my internet was slow). After Santa read the story he told everyone to be good, and for all the kids to say their prayers before bedtime. That right there folks, that had me hooked. In this day and age, religion is being taken out of just about everything, but not this Santa. Nope. He's standing up for his beliefs and I love that my kids were able to hear Santa, someone they look up too, say that he too believes in God.
          Santa will be making another appearance tonight at 6pm, and my kids are excited. You can tune in as well and share the magic of Santa and his reindeer with your little ones I won't be taking Liam to the mall to see Santa. I'm still weary of taking into crowded places for fear that he might catch some virus and have another setback. I was sad that I didn't feel comfortable enough to do this and that he was going to miss out. This is the first year he's really seemed interested in Santa. They must have been learning about Santa as school because Liam gets all excited when someone says Santa or he sees something with Santa on it. That made me sadder. However finding Reindeer Cam has allowed us to keep the magic of Santa and his reindeer going for the kids.

        I had made magic reindeer food and handed it out to the kids in Lanie's class as well as a few of her friends from other classes. It's just oatmeal and glitter but it brought the kids so much joy thinking that they can leave out a treat for Santa's reindeer. After watching this feed, they were even more excited to see who they were leaving the treat out for. I am thankful that the people behind Reindeer Cam are doing what they are doing to help share the Christmas magic that so many have lost. 

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