Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Crazy Morning

This morning has been crazy. 

*Justin took Lanie to school for me.

*I got Liam ready for school but couldn't find his jacket anywhere. I've been looking for it for a week now. It was the one from last year and in pretty sure I did not get rid of it. So he went to school in a sweatshirt and beanie 😔

*I drove across town to FHCN after I dropped off Liam. I was standing in line to check in for my X-ray when my phone rang. It was Liam's school. 

*I had to leave FHCN before I could get my X-ray and drive back across town to pick Liam up. His gtube was bothering him and he kept bending over, holding his tummy saying "owie owie". 

*Turns out his tube had leaked because I had given him a bolus before school because I had to turn off his feed in the middle of the night. And the wetness was causing irritation. 

*My phone rang again as I was pulling into Liam's school. Your looking at WG new PTA Secretary. 

*Walked into Liam's class and he was painting a pine cone. We waited till he was done before leaving. He told me his tummy had owies and he wanted to go bye bye. 

*I had to take Liam with me to go look for a coat for him. Rescued Treasures had nothing so we went to Twice Upon A Time. Scored a new looking, thick reversible jacket for only $7 w/ tax. 

*I then dragged Liam back to FHCN with me so I could get my X-ray done. 

*luckily I got called back almost immediately. Liam had to sit outside the room with a staff member while they took like 6 different X-rays of my neck in various poses. (I bet it would have been hilarious to see me standing there with my jaw open as wide as possible for an X-ray 😮😂) Liam did very well with the staff. He sat in the chair quietly and waited. They have him two Thomas the train stickers. 

*after we came home. We put his new stickers on some paper and hung it on his wall. He was thrilled lol. Now he's watching Thomas the train and I need to clean his gtube site again and clean the house because this afternoon will be even crazier with a birthday party and church.  

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