Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just Talked To The Doctor...

New info has been brought to light in the conversation Dr Coverston had with UCSF. UCSF thinks that Liam could have just cought a virus and because he doesn't have backup of energy that we do that it's what could be cause his tachypneania. Dr C also explained to UCSF that he was concerned on both Liam's high right side diaphragm and his tracuel tube. UCSF said that his high right side is normal for Liam, which we already knew from our time at Valley Childrens. Apparently Liam's trac is shifted to the right and isnt where its supposed to be. This we've never heard before and yet another example of how we did not recieve full disclosure on our son. Apparently according to UCSF his trac has always been shifted. I am trying not to be irritated at UCSF for not telling us everything about our sons medical condition. It's just these are things we shouldn't have to happen apon months or years down the road. When some hospital or doctor takes an xray and says 'hey look at this', we should be able to say 'yea thats normal' instead of 'i didnt know that'. I am still very very thankful that UCSF helped save my sons life. I will always be greatful to them. Years down the road I just hope I can laugh at this. Now the plan is to just watch Liam closely. If he starts throwing up more or retracting more, or nose flairing we have to take him to valley Childrens for admittion. Tomarrow I am supposed to talk to the polmunalogost and get her to do another xray to see if anything is there now that wasnt there earlier this week. We should know more tomarrow after seeing the pulmonogist. My insticts are telling me to have him tested for pulmonary hypertention. I'll bide my time, hold my son close, then talk game plan with the specialist. I'm seemingly calm and collective. My nervousness, worry and frustration are like a steady vibration lurking in the shadows. It could all too easily over rule and take over. Right now they' are useless emotion and would do no one any good. Dr C is concerned and also hopes the pulmonalogist will be able to shed some light on the situation. I hope I have answers and good news to report to you tomarrow. Thank you all for your prayers

1 comment:

  1. you are an amazing advocate for you son.

    do you have a copy all of his medical records from UCSF? your pediatrician should be able to request them at no charge to you. i learned so much about Maddie reading hers and realized that there just wasn't enough time in the day for them to tell me everything and i should have been reading the medical reports every day.

    we love you all.
