Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I Won Today

It's been hectic here. Seems like it always is. I've been busy helping PTA with a school carnival, taking care of Liam and Lanie and dealing with my own pain. 

The kids are in bed so I can finally lay here and succumb to the pain. My kidneys have been hurting bad since last night. Earlier today abdominal pain stated and is only gotten worse. I also have a migrain and stabbing shoulder pain. 

I go through the day and force myself to work through it for the sale of my kids. They don't deserve a mom who is miserable and unable to be there for them. 

I played games with Liam.

Took care of all his medical needs. 
We had a gtube emergency when he pulled out his tube accidentally and I had to rush across town to my niece so she could help hold him down so I could get the tube back in. 

Went to the grocery store (twice). 

Picked Lanie up from school. 

Cooked dinner. 

Helped Lanie with homework. 

Worked on physical therapy with Liam. 

Played outside with the kids. 

Showered them and got them off to bed. (With Liam being on an all night feed it's no easy task)

I did all this and more without complaining or letting on that I was miserable. I feel like I won today. Despite the pain, I won. I fought through it, got things accomplished. Fibromyalgia had no chance in hell today! 

But now the kids are asleep and I am miserable. I'm allowed to Waller in that pain now because I survived today. Now if I can just get the pain level down a bit so I can rest and get through tomorrow's hecticly busy day. 

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