Saturday, June 27, 2015

Girl talk: the uterus: a bloody mess

Rewind: the last three months have been horrible. Each day worse than the last. I've bled 3 weeks out of every month with horrible cramping. I've hardly ate anything. For a month and a half of that I couldn't keep down anything but fluids. I made an appointment with an OBGYN (her PA really) and went last Friday. 

I explained the bleeding and the pain and the bloating. I told her how I had started pushing myself to exercise with one of those big exercise balls and how I lay flat and transfer it from hands to feet and stretch out and repeat. I explained how it pulled what I first thought was muscles in my lower abdomen and stressed them but realized after the 2nd time that it was my uterus it was pulling and then bleeding would follow. She was concerned that I had ruptured my uterus where my csection scar was. It wasn't impossible for me. We knew my uterus was weak after finding out that it had torn during my pregnancy with Liam.

 We were also worried that the cyst had grown back. I have a long long history with cyst on my uterus and ovaries. It's painful and well, bloody. She ordered an ultrasound but it was a waiting game to wait for insurance to approve. Meanwhile I'm at home getting worse. The pain just continued to increase until I was taking tramadol every 6 hours around the clock and ibproffen in between. Then it became so bad that the meds didn't do a thing. I started swelling up to scary sizes:

I didn't know what to do. I laid with he heating pad on my abdomen 90% of the time and refused to move even an inch. The pain was horrid. It rivaled when I was pregnant and my uterus tore. I started having flash backs to that time because the pain was so bad. But it got worse. 

The pain and the swelling. I looked 9 months pregnant, was having spasms in my uterus to the point I and everyone around me thought I was pregnant. I was scared. 

Thursday I broke down and went to the doc. I was in so much pain and I couldn't stand it. After a being tortured all day long, they finally diagnosed me with pelvic inflammatory disease. Said I had had an infection that went undiagnosed and untreated and it spread to all my female reproductive organs in one massive infection. They gave me a shot of heavy duty antibiotics that stung worse than anything else I've ever felt and sent me home with a script for said antibiotics and norco for the pain. They also found a good sized cyst in my uterus, to the point the ultrasound looked like I was pregnant but without the baby in the sack. They also realized it was throwing off blood clots and causing the excess bleeding I've been doing. No sign of a ruptured uterus. Friday I woke up feeling much better. When I looked in the mirror half the swelling was gone. I started hurting later that day and have been hurting on and off since. The antibiotics cause a lot of pain after they get into my system because they're fighting the infection. It's painful business and glad they gave me norco, although to be honest, they don't help much. Stupid bodies response to pain! I have to call the doc and get an appt to see her and most likely discuss what we should do next with my uterus. Honestly I wish she'd give it the death sentence because all it does it cause me pain. I'm done having kids. Already had my tubes tied but that doesn't stop cyst from growing and they can turn cancerous so I just want this thing out. My grams had hers taken out when she was younger because of the same probs and worse. They were afraid it would finally turn to cancer so they took it out. I don't need the damn thing anymore. I don't need a damn period anymore either! Those are for women who still want to have kids in the future and I'm sick of bleeding all the time. It cost a small fortune every month to supply my pads! Any how, that's what's going on in my world. #deathtotheuterus 

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