Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Off to UCSF...Again

Today's been pretty hectic. My phone has been ringing off the hook. The social worker, pediatric surgical depertment, billing department and nutritionist have all called me today from UCSF. All giving me info or wanting info for Liam's admittance. Those are just the incomming calls. I don't know how I'm even functioning with the little sleep I've gotten the last week. Colicy babies are just not good for sleep especially when they like to be up from 3am to 7am and waking up all night long. I'm crabby and grumpy. Let's just say you don't want to get in my way right now. It's probably a good thing that I'm not having to fight with workers who don't want to work because they would have their heads ripped off. After Liam gets his NGtube in I'll be able to get more sleep. He won't have to be woken up to eat so therefor it won't take as long for feedings. He needs his sleep more than I do and his callories so he can grow.

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