Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mommy Medical Update

I've been procrastinating on updating because to update on my medical well being, I have to think about my medical well being. That's something I don't want to do. But here it is...

April 2nd was my last appointment with the neurologist. 
-my bloodwork came back clean. I didn't have heavy metal poisoning. 
-the MRI of my brain showed I had a healthy "beautiful" brain. 
-He did an EMG to test my nerves and it showed that my nerves were fine. Whatever's causing the numbness and tingling has nothing to do with my nerves. 

Basically he found nothing neurologically wrong with me and is unable to treat me or continue to see me. How can my nervous system be effected yet not be effected. It's very frustrating. 

Today I went to the cardiologist and have a ECO done of my heart. All EKGs I've had in the past showed nothing wrong but because this problem continued everyone felt I needed an ECO. I didn't get the results of the ECO. I didn't even see the doctor today. A nurse hooked me into a heart monitor that I am wearing until tomorrow. Then I'll go and have it taken off. Again I don't think I'll get any results. 

I doubt they'll find anything wrong because that's the story of my life, or my "illness". They never figure out what's wrong with me. There's no reason why I should be in constant pain or have constant headaches or fatigue, but I do. 

And it sucks!

I've been suffering from dizzy spells and vertigo lately. Today there's been a lot of dizziness. I can't seem to shake it. I jus want it all to go away. 

On the plus side, Liam went to my appointment with me and he behaved. He was quiet in the waiting room (which by the way was akward because I was the youngest patient there and everyone kept giving my weird looks. I had to just avoid looking at anyone because they wouldn't stop staring). 

I was also able to spread CDH awareness to several of the staff members. The ECO tech was curios why Liam was so curios about the machine and why he climbed up on the table, rubbed my belly and kept saying "it ok mommy. Your ok" over and over. I explained his medical history and how he was just so used to all the procedures. I almost started crying because my baby boy was making sure I knew he was there for me just like I had done a million times over for him. That's was a sign I was doing things right. 

The nurse who put the monitor on me fell in love with Liam. She asked him for a hug and then picked him up in a hug. All of a sudden a weird look crossed her face and she asked how old he was. Hearing that he was almost 4 years old she commented on how light weight he was. That opened the window to explain why. After hearing he was failure to thrive and had a feeding tube she asked if he could have some candy. I laughed and explained he could eat whatever he wanted so she loaded him up with a sucker, Reece's fast break and a lindor truffle. Liam thought he hit the jackpot and laid on the puppy dog dreamy eyes and a huge smile on her. It was adorable. 

But the best moment of the whole day was Liam telling me "it ok mommy. Your ok". ❤️❤️❤️

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