Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Brightstart/Physical Therapy Day

Today Liam had Brightstart and Physical Therapy. They were amazed at home quickly he’s learning and how every week he shocks them with new skills. Today he showed them how fast he can crawl, sho we uses his walker the wrong way to walk around the house, how he travels the furnature and more. The physical thereapist said she was very pleased that the only advice she could give was to put him in high top shoes so he wont walk on his toes. She said he was doing so great that there was nothing she could add to the mix. We just set new goals about a month ago and Liam has already surpassed them. This is what happens when Liam stays healthy and away from the hospital for a few weeks…he thrives!! He’s also had a growth spirt. Just 2 weeks ago we started putting him in size 12 month clothes (he’s 15 1/2 months old) and already he’s growing out of them. He’s getting long and chunky. His belly actually has normal baby chubby rolls! Alot of CDHer’s are skinny and up until the last 2 weeks, Liam was no exception. His body was so small his normal sized head looked too big. He is now looking more porportionate and like a normal baby boy. To this we say… WHOOP WHOOP!!

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