Sunday, October 4, 2015

How Fibro Changed Me

As I'm sitting here having a bad pain day and therefor a bad emotional day, I'm thinking about all the ways fibromyalgia has changed me. 

-I've lightened my load in my purse. I've even put away my favorite purse and use a much smaller one that barely fits my wallet, keys and phone. I just sang carry anymore than that because it's too painful. 

-I wear my clothes looser. All the clothes I've been buying are way looser. Some 2-3 sizes too big. Tight clothing feels restricting and causes a lot of pain.

-because of the pins and needles feeling and being hypersensitive I wear a lot of long sleeves, even when it's hot outside. 

- being touched causes pain. Even hugging. I still hug and cuddle my kids and push past my limits for them but it causes pain so intense I'm left crying and needing to be left alone. Because of this I hate being touched. I hate handshakes and someone in my personal space. The good thing about having a friend who understands this is that I know it's safe to be around her because she will never try to go in for a hug like some others. And she will never get her feelings hurt by the fact that we just don't hug. 

- my house isn't as clean as it used to be. I just can't keep up. Movement causes pain and pain causes exhaustion. I get very little done before I have to sit down or lay down. It sucks. 

- I have to take naps and frequent breaks to make it through the day. The problem with chronic fatigue is your always exhausted no matter how much you sleep. 

- you know how they have so many cute shoes that you would kill to wear? Heals, boots, name it? Well wearing them kills me. Heals are a huge NO NO! Walking is painful and any shoe that's not a flip flop makes it worse. 99% of the time I'm wearing flip flops. It takes to much energy to bend over and put on shoes that have to be tied or zipped so I wear what I can slip my feet into without having to bend over. Now that cool weather has hit and flip flops aren't feesable I don't have a choice but to wear enclosed shoes. Slip on boots with no laces and minimal effort are what I'm stuck with. On a decent day I may wear something else but chances are slim. 

-I don't have the energy to wear makeup or do my hair. I'm lucky to get into the shower and wash my hair. Makeup free with the sleep deprived bags under my eyes in plain sight and hair down or ponytail. 

- lifting my arms above my shoulders is almost impossible now so anything more Han a quick ponytail is a no no, not gonna happen. This includes reaching for things and lifting. 

-heavy lifting.. Hahaha yea right! I have problems picking up and carrying my 25 lbs son!! He walks and then I put him in a cart when we go somewhere. By the time I pick him up and place him in the cart I'm out of breathe and ready to go home. 

- I try to stay clear of social situations. I just can't function in them. Between the noises and being surrounded by people I just cant hack it. 

- I don't exercise anymore, ever. Unless I want to be stuck in bed for 2 weeks!

- I use to love to read. I read every night before bed. I can't even keep my eyes awake to do so anymore. Reading out loud to my kids is difficult because I have problems with slurring words and it's exhausting. 

- I don't like to talk on the phone or talk period. I'm that quiet person who hides in the corner when I take my kids to birthday parties. I don't talk on the phone a lot and when I do its only for a select few special people like my aunt and grams. 

- by the time I'm done cooking meals I don't have the energy to eat them. I have to rest before I can eat. This is most dinners. Other meals I microwave or skip (for myself anyway). 

- I'm constantly in pain so I'm grumpy most the time. It sucks honestly. 

- hobbies. Well I don't have the energy to do hardly any. Once in a blue moon but it's usually something with my kids.m, like my previous post. It's not fair that they should have to suffer as well. My online store is basically none exsistant because of this. 

- working is impossible. I can't stand for long periods of time. I can't be surrounded by all those people and I can't think because I'm always sleep deprived. 

These are only a few ways my life has changed these last few years. People tend to not understand when you tell them you have fibromyalgia. They just don't understand how it really changes you. I'll never be the same person I was before. 

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