Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Unexpected surprise

Yesterday I posted a video of Liam walking a short distance. I was so thrilled. He had been walking more and more. I named the video "So close to walking full time". Here's the link http://youtu.be/XpgY4CZiGBw

Little did I know when I posted that video that the very next day I'd be posting one called "It's official!! I have a walker!!" 

I was prepared to wait months still for Liam to walk. In fact the way his progress had been going I expected to wait months. Imagine the feelings that courses through me as I watched, and thankfully videoed Liam at the exact moment he decided to become a walker. I just figured he'd go a short distance but none the less I wanted a video since I hadn't gotten very many. I watched as he walke down one hall before the nurse came to take us to a room at the peds office. Then I continued to watch as he decided to walk the entire way to his room! I wanted to scream with joy at the top of my lungs that my baby boy who had survived CDH, ECMO and countless other obstacles had now overcame yet another obstacle. I think the moment meant more because it had taken so long for him to get here. My son, my miracle has once again told CDH where to stick it!! 
Liam and Miss Amanda his PT

Liam and Miss Julia our Beightstart worker

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